Autumn Term One 2021
UKS2 have completely hit the ground running since September. All the adults and children have completely embraced our Co-Jo RESPECT Code. We have also implemented SCARF into our timetable.
Given that we have all spent a lot more time over the last 20 months indoors, we have also taken the children out on a regular Daily Mile which enables them to get some exercise and fresh air, but also to see their friends from other classes in UKS2.
In maths this half term, we have been learning about place value. A lot of our work has been done on
Our Learn by Questions software, but here are some examples of weekly challenges and prove-its which some children have undertaken.
As a school this year we were focussing on a book called ‘What to do with an idea’. We decided to turn this into a topic about the fight for civil rights. We focussed first on Harriet Tubman who was born a slave in Maryland. Later in life, she became well-known for her bravery and service to slaves and who helped to gain independence for over 750 slaves. Here is just one example of our fantastic biographies.
Our Big Idea for Science is ‘All living things can be classified in one way. True or false’. To start our topic, we loked at how different flowers and pollinated by the wind or by insects. After that, we looked at the life cycles of different mammals including humans, rabbits and kangaroos. We have also looked at definitions for amphibians and insects and learnt how they metamorphosise. Here are a few examples of our science work.
Creative Curriculum
Our creative curriculum Big Idea is ‘Not all mountains are created equally. True or false?’. As a key stage, we are focussing on finishing our science learning journey, then we will move on to a block of learning about mountains – we can’t wait.
Autumn Term One 2020
UKS2 have completely hit the ground running since September. All the adults and children have completely embraced our Co-Jo RESPECT Code and are working really hard to use:
These are just a couple of photos from our Co-Jo sessions
In maths this half term, we have been learning about place value. The children have taken part in lots of different activities, including games, rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000. The children particularly enjoyed the place value games.
In English, we have been writing suspense narratives. We have learnt a lot about prepositional phrases and Tell E-e sentences and how we could use them to add effort and emotion to our writing. Here just two examples of the excellent setting and descriptions we wrote and revised.
Our Big Idea for Science is ‘Brutal Beas or Cuddly Creatures?’ So far we have classified mammals and learnt about other types of animals. Included in this, we have been learning about owls and had a fantastic visit.
Creative Curriculum
Our creative curriculum Big Idea is ‘Can you design and make a castle?’! As part of this, we have done lots of research about castles and started to design our own. We also looked at different shields that people might have used in them and used our teamwork skills to create these fantastic shields.