Sandy Lane Primary School


Sandy Lane Primary has a new Consultant Education Welfare officer.

Attendance is a very important part of a child’s education, if they are not in school they miss out on their learning and progress suffers.

Attendance Figures Week Ending 17.01.25

ClassAttendance Figure
Pine Cones C95.00%
Pine Cones W93.68%
Overall attendance94.20%


Every school day counts and lessons missed can never be repeated. Children who have frequent short or long absences do not do as well as children who attend 95% to 100% of the time.

Please support our school and your children by ensuring they attend school regularly. Our attendance target for 2023/24 is 96.0%.

If your child has 6 unauthorised absences (2 absence marks per day) in a 6 week period parents can be fined £60 per parent per child.

Please try to make appointments (dentist, doctors etc) out of school time apart from hospital appointments which cannot be changed.

Following changes to the Pupil Registration Regulation in September 2013 Headteachers will only grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances.

Please take your holidays in the school holidays.


Informing School When Your Child is Absent

It is very important that you contact school if your child is not coming in that day.

You can let us know in any of the following ways;

  • By phoning: 01274 546493
    – This line will be answered or you can leave a message
  • By emailing:
  • By coming in to the office
  • By letter/message sent in with another parent

If your child is off school for more than one day, please contact us every two days to let us know when your child is likely to return to school.

We are receiving many reasons for children being absent and some of the reasons are for mild symptoms where we believe children could probably attend school.  Some of the reasons given are mild temperature, runny nose, cough, headache or a pain in the leg. Staff would never keep a child in school if they are really ill and would always contact the parent if their symptoms deteriorate during the day. Any child absent with any of the reasons listed will be contacted by the schools attendance officer and may find the absence recorded as an unauthorised on their attendance record.

We will contact you if your child is not in school and we have not heard from you. It is our school policy to make a home visit if your child is not in school and you have not contacted us by 10am.

We will always contact you if your child is unwell at school and needs to go home so please let the office know if you change your mobile/home phone numbers.

Signing In 

If your child is late into school or has to be collected before the end of school you will need to sign your child either in or out of the ‘signing-in’ computer in Reception. (This is in case there is a fire at school where all pupils/adults have to be accounted for.)

Please let the school know if someone other than you as parents are to collect your child from school.

In the Reception classes you will need to complete a form if someone other than parents are to collect your child at the end of school.

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