
Sandy Lane Primary School logo

01274 546493

Governing Body

Executive Head Teacher – Mr J Cooper

Clerk to the Governors – Mrs H Osman

Parent Governors – Miss Sanna Malik, Mr A Mahmood

Local Authority Governor – Cllr S Duffy (Chair)

Co-opted Governors – Mrs J Payne (Vice chair), Mr G Walker, Mrs H Weatherhead, Mr J Henkel, Mr S Hussain

Associate Members – Mr M Hitchen, Mrs F Newsome

SEN Governor – Jacky Payne

The Governing Body consists of parents, teachers, members of the local community and people appointed by the Local Authority. Governors are appointed to act together to:

  • help to establish the aims and policies of the school
  • interview and select staff
  • advise on spending of the school’s budget
  • ensure the National Curriculum is being delivered
  • provide outside advice and support and a link between the local community

Advice, support and training are provided by the School Governors Service to help Governors fulfil their legal requirements. The school employs a Governors’ Clerk to deal with agendas, minutes and correspondence but Governors themselves do not receive any payment for carrying out their duties.

Parents Governors are elected by parents of children in the school and serve on the Governing Body for 4 years, as do all Governors. They can bring views of parents to the Governing Body although they speak and act as individuals.

The Governing Body usually meets twice a term. Dates and minutes of meetings are available from the office. The Governors are responsible for the publication of the Prospectus. Mr Cooper and the staff encourage parental involvement in the life of the school: becoming a Parent Governor or attending a Governors’ meeting is another element of “Parents in Partnership”.

If you would like more information on any aspect of School Governors please contact Mr Cooper or myself.

Yours sincerely

Cllr S Duffy

Chair of Governors

To contact Cllr S Duffy please email:

Please click on the link below to see pen portraits of our Governors:

Governors Pen Portraits

Register of Interests of Current Governors serving, and those who have served at any point in the last 12 months, on the Board of Governors at 26th April 2016.

Full NameType of Governor

(including Associate Members)

Appointed by
Date of Appointment / Term of OfficeEnd date (if applicable)Committee membership voting rights of Associate Members


any special roles or chairing responsibilities
Other educational institutions at which a governorBusiness Interests and Date notificationsAny material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)Meetings attendance over previous academic year out of a total number of applicable meetings
John CooperExecutive Headteacher1.01.16n/aFull Governing Body

Resources Committee (RC)

Quality of Education

Behaviour and Attitudes

Personal Development

Leadership and Management

Parent and Community Involvement








Sue DuffyCo-opted17.03.15

4 years


QE - Link

LM - Link

SG - Named Gov
NoneNoneNoneFGB 12/12

SG 1/1

QE 1/1

LM 1/1

RC 4/5
Mark HitchenAssociated Member16.09.14

4 years
15.09.22NoneNoneNoneFGB 5/12
Jacky PayneCo-opted05.07.16

4 years
04.07.24Vice Chair

QE - Link

PD - Link

EY - Link
NoneNoneNoneFGB - 11/12

QE 1/1
Graham WalkerCo-opted05.07.16

4 years

BA - Link

P/CI - Link

Pupil Voice / Pupil Premium and Sports Premium - Named Gov
NoneNoneNoneFGB 11/12

P/CI 1/1

RC 4/5
Heather WeatherheadCo-opted10.10.17

4 years


Health and Safety - named Gov
NoneNoneNoneFGB 10/12

RC 4/5

BA 1/1
Sajid HussainCo-opted28.11.1927.11.23EY

Looked After Children - named Gov
FGB 11/12
Sarah EganStaff29.3.1928.3.23FGB 10/12
John HenkelCo-opted04.10.201803.10.2022LM link

School Website named Gov
Miss Sanna MalikParent Governor 4.12.2020

Governors that have now left:

Full NameType of Governor

(including Associate Members)

Appointed by
Date of Appointment / Term of OfficeEnd date (if applicable)Committee membership voting rights of Associate Members


any special roles or chairing responsibilities
Other educational institutions at which a governorBusiness interests and Date notificationsAny material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)Meetings attendance over previous academic year out of a total number of applicable meetings
Alan BrownCo-opted16.09.14

4 years
Eric ChapmanCo-opted16.09.14

4 years
15.09.18ResignedNoneNoneWife is a Nursery Nurse in school
Linda WalkerStaff08.05.13

4 years
Alina KhanParent21.10.14

4 years
Michael McCabeCo-opted16.09.14

4 Years
Noreen ShahParent27.03.15

5 years
Shakil AhmedCo-opted30.11.12

4 years
29.11.16RCNoneNoneNoneFGB 1/3

RC 0/5
Kauser Nawaz RaufParent22.09.15

4 years

NoneVolunteer at National Zatat Foundation 22.10.15NoneFGB 3/3

SG 1/3

RC 4/5
Shaheena GhaniParentSGNoneNoneNoneFGB 2/3

SG 3/3
Rebecca SpencerStaff12.03.18

4 years
11.03.22RCNoneNoneNoneFGB 1/3

Just joined
Mrs T NoorParent Governor4.12.2020
Lesley PersicoCo-opted05.07.201804.07.2022PD link P/CI link

SEND named Gov

Quick Links - Attendance