Sandy Lane Primary School

HR & Staff Policy HandbookSafeguarding & Child Protection Policy HandbookFinancial Policy HandbookAdmissions & Attendance Policy HandbookHealth & Safety Policy HandbookCurriculum & SEND Policy Handbook
1. Work & Families Policy (Pact HR)1. Child Protection and Flowchart1. Introduction1. Admissions Guidance (BMDC) including Fair Access Protocol1. Accessibility Plan1. Background & Rationale
2. Appraisal (Teacher) Pact HR2. Safeguarding2. Responsibilities2. Attendance (Pupil)2. Fire and Evaluation (Evacuation)2. Sandy Lane Primary School Vision & Ethos
3. CPD (Pact HR)3. Care and Control and Use of Force3. Best Value3. Children Missing in Education Protocols3. First Aid & Procedures For Administering Medicine3. Barriers to Pupil Achievement
4. Complains & Grievance Procedure for Staff (Pact HR)4. Child Looked After / Young People Previously Looked After4. Planning and Budgeting Proccess4. Health and Safety4. Magic Mondays
5. Disciplinary Policy (Pact HR)5. Supporting Children With Medical Conditions5. Financial Monitoring and Reporting5. Home Visits5. The Big Idea!
6. Capability of Staff - (Pact HR)6. E Safety Policy6. Income6. Lone Working6. Respect & COJO
7. Managing Investigations (Pact HR)7. Intimate Care7. Purchasing7. Premised Management Documents I.e. Fire Safety, Asbestos / COSHH7. Creative Curriculum
8. Drugs & Alcohol Guidance (Pact HR)8. Radicalisation8. Income, Cash and Banking Procedures8. Subject Faculties
9. Flexible Working (Pact HR)9. Young Carer Policy9. Credit Card9. Early Years
10. Staff Attendance Management10. Budget and Expenditure Reconciliation10. The Sandy Lane Standard- including presentation, marking & feedback.
11. Staff Leave of Absence (Pact HR)11. Inventory and Security of Assets11. Maths
12. Absence without Leave (Pact HR)12. Disposal of Assets12. English Including Early Reading and Reading For Pleasure
13. Managing Workforce Change13. Insurance Cover13. Marking & Feedback
14. Privacy Notice - Workforce14. Payroll Checks15. Modern Foreign Languages
14. Fixed Term Contracts15. Computer Security16. English As An Additional Language
15. Staff Acceptable Use Agreement (IT)16. Charging and Remissions17. Educational Visits Policy
16. Mobile Technologies17. Lettings Of The Premises18. Collective School Assemblies
17. Sandy Lane Staff Handbook18. Crisis Support20. SMSC and British Values - Life in Modern Britain
19. Code of Conduct Staff, Governors and Volunteers22. 20. Relationships Education
21. Whistle Blowing Policy21. Positive Behaviour & Bullying
22. Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

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