1. Work & Families Policy (Pact HR) | 1. Child Protection and Flowchart | 1. Introduction | 1. Admissions Guidance (BMDC) including Fair Access Protocol | 1. Accessibility Plan | 1. Background & Rationale |
2. Appraisal (Teacher) Pact HR | 2. Safeguarding | 2. Responsibilities | 2. Attendance (Pupil) | 2. Fire and Evaluation (Evacuation) | 2. Sandy Lane Primary School Vision & Ethos |
3. CPD (Pact HR) | 3. Care and Control and Use of Force | 3. Best Value | 3. Children Missing in Education Protocols | 3. First Aid & Procedures For Administering Medicine | 3. Barriers to Pupil Achievement |
4. Complains & Grievance Procedure for Staff (Pact HR) | 4. Child Looked After / Young People Previously Looked After | 4. Planning and Budgeting Proccess | | 4. Health and Safety | 4. Magic Mondays |
5. Disciplinary Policy (Pact HR) | 5. Supporting Children With Medical Conditions | 5. Financial Monitoring and Reporting | | 5. Home Visits | 5. The Big Idea! |
6. Capability of Staff - (Pact HR) | 6. E Safety Policy | 6. Income | | 6. Lone Working | 6. Respect & COJO |
7. Managing Investigations (Pact HR) | 7. Intimate Care | 7. Purchasing | | 7. Premised Management Documents I.e. Fire Safety, Asbestos / COSHH | 7. Creative Curriculum |
8. Drugs & Alcohol Guidance (Pact HR) | 8. Radicalisation | 8. Income, Cash and Banking Procedures | | | 8. Subject Faculties |
9. Flexible Working (Pact HR) | 9. Young Carer Policy | 9. Credit Card | | | 9. Early Years |
10. Staff Attendance Management | | 10. Budget and Expenditure Reconciliation | | | 10. The Sandy Lane Standard- including presentation, marking & feedback. |
11. Staff Leave of Absence (Pact HR) | | 11. Inventory and Security of Assets | | | 11. Maths |
12. Absence without Leave (Pact HR) | | 12. Disposal of Assets | | | 12. English Including Early Reading and Reading For Pleasure |
13. Managing Workforce Change | | 13. Insurance Cover | | | 13. Marking & Feedback |
14. Privacy Notice - Workforce | | 14. Payroll Checks | | | 15. Modern Foreign Languages |
14. Fixed Term Contracts | | 15. Computer Security | | | 16. English As An Additional Language |
15. Staff Acceptable Use Agreement (IT) | | 16. Charging and Remissions | | | 17. Educational Visits Policy |
16. Mobile Technologies | | 17. Lettings Of The Premises | | | 18. Collective School Assemblies |
17. Sandy Lane Staff Handbook | | 18. Crisis Support | | | 20. SMSC and British Values - Life in Modern Britain |
19. Code of Conduct Staff, Governors and Volunteers | | | | | 22. 20. Relationships Education |
21. Whistle Blowing Policy | | | | | 21. Positive Behaviour & Bullying |
| | | | | 22. Special Educational Needs & Disabilities |