Sandy Lane Primary School

Supporting your Child

There are many ways in which you can support your child during their learning journey at Sandy Lane.

Get involved with your child’s learning

The newsletter and diary sheet share forthcoming events, opportunities to get into school, workshops, open classrooms, exhibitions and parents evenings.

Check homework diaries and reading records regularly

Staff will communicate through the homework diaries / reading records

Encourage your child to complete their homework

See details of homework expectations on class pages

Look at the topic web each half term

Each class page has a topic web explaining the learning that will be taking place this half term. Talk about this with your child, encourage them to take part in further research, visit areas of interest yourself and get enthused with your child about their discoveries.

Give them time to play

Children need time to play, away from school work, screens, television and the busy school day. Play is crucial to their development. Don’t miss this out!



  • Reading (minimum of 3x a week)
  • Take home and talk
  • Phonics
  • Maths next steps

 Key Stage 1 and 2

  • Homework will be sent out online weekly.
  • Weekly homework will include:-
    • Spellings (See Spelling homework)
    • Maths
    • Reading

Spelling Homework

The rules/patterns learned in lessons will be sent home with examples of words which fit the rule.

Children must learn up to 10 high frequency words or National Curriculum discrete words every week which will be sent home in their homework book.

These words will be tested in school and children will receive dojo for getting most right (depending on how many spellings are set!). The spelling assessment will also include some words from the spelling pattern taught the previous week.

Any words which children are finding difficult to spell may be sent home again to practise.

Maths Homework

Maths homework will be Time Table Rock Stars and RM easimaths.  Parent will be given logins at the start of each year.

  • Lower Key Stage 2 will send LbQ homework very Tuesday
  • Upper Key Stage 2 will send out Bootcamp homework weekly

Reading Homework

  • At school we would like all children to read to an adult at home every day.
  • Reading journals must be signed by parents and this will be monitored by FN weekly
  • Classes with the highest home readers will be rewarded with Dojos


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