Spring One – Maths
In our maths lessons in Spring 1, we looked at measurement, including mass and length. We learnt how to convert from grams to kilograms and how to read scales using grams and kilograms. We also looked at measuring length and how to measure in cm and metres and how to convert from centimetres to metres. We had a fantastic time guessing and comparing the weights of different objects and then weighing them.
Spring One – English
As we studied Ancient Greece in our Creative Curriculum topic, we decided to learn all about King Midas and, in our English lessons, we wrote a persuasive letter to King Midas trying to persuade him to give up his special power of turning everything into gold. We were so proud of our letters, we even put them on display in the corridor. After that, we decided to write a diary entry for ‘Tim, The Skittles Man’, because he also had The Midas Touch and everything he touched turned to Skittles. At first, we thought this would be a brilliant power to have, but then we decided we weren’t so sure after he couldn’t cuddle his baby!
Spring One – Creative Curriculum
In our Creative Curriculum we have learnt all about Ancient Greece. We started off by finding out where Greece is now and showed this on a map. We then moved on to learning about Greek Gods, who we researched and then decided and explained who our favourite Greek Gods were. These pictures show shows our learning journey so far and just two of our letters to King Midas! We can’t wait to carry on learning more about Ancient Greece.
Spring One – Science
In science, we have been learning all about light and dark. We investigated which surfaces reflect light and which materials block light and designed some fantastic book bags with reflective materials on them. After that, we looked at the dangers of UV light and, as part of our experiment we put some black card onto sugar paper and left these in the sunlight. We were absolutely shocked at the damage the sunlight did to the sugar paper, even in the winter!
To finish off we investigated how different shadows can be created and had a fantastic afternoon creating Greek God Shadow Puppets and putting on a show in classrooms.