Autumn Term One
This term we will be writing a variety of pieces based around short films – in these pieces we will be particularly focussing on the use of different techniques to ensure the writing flows well and the sentences are punctuated accurately. We will also complete spelling and grammar tasks each day. Our grammar will be built around recognition of word classes: nouns (and the different types), adjectives, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions and pronouns.
This term we will start by learning place value – thousands, hundreds, tens, units. We will be multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000. We will then focus on the written methods for adding and subtracting. Children will also complete a weekly Maths challenge. Times tables are crucial at this age as children are expected to all times tables up to 12x by the end of Year 4. So we will be doing regular times table lessons.
Creative Curriculum
This term the children will be travelling through different periods of time – starting with the Tudors – we will be discussing the Big Idea – terrible or terrific – you decide! Children will be learning about the Kings and Queens from this time period, followed by daily Tudor life and the Great Fire of London. Later in the term we will travel further back in time to the Stone Age.
This term the children will learn about plants and seasons – we will be particularly focussing on the changes in Autumn and how seed dispersal is vital to our natural habitats. If you are out and about on walks this Autumn , it would be fantastic if you could collect Autumnal objects and bring them into school for our display. You could draw your child’s attention to the colours and changes happening around them. Later in the term we will move into identifying and investigating different types of rocks. Describing their features and looking at their uses.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Netball, Young Voices, Running Club, Football and Martial Arts