Autumn Two – Maths
In our maths lessons in Autumn 2, we again used our place value and number facts, but moved our learning on to undertake much harder multiplication and division. We really enjoyed multiplication, and using inverses to help us with our division facts. We check our learning was secure by doing lots of “Prove it activities”. Our arithmetic skills are excellent and we continue to practice these on a regular basis by completing our Skills Checks.
Autumn One – Maths
We started off our year revising our number facts and place value. Following on from this, the children learnt different methods for addition and subtraction and choose their favourite ones. Because the children had learnt the methods so well, we decided to have some “Prove it” questions to make sure the childrens’ learning was embedded. Here are some photographs of our addition and subtraction learning and some examples of “Prove it”.
Autumn One – English
Our English lessons have all been based around a stimulus, either a video clip, picture or a short story. After evaluating the stimuli, we have written a selection of text types including character descriptions, setting descriptions, story openers and we even wrote ‘The Mexico Daily News’. The writing was excellent and the skills the children used ranged from different types of conjunctions, to speech marks and adverbial phrases. Here are some examples of the work the children produced.
Autumn One – Creative Curriculum
We started off our year by placing key events in the Victorian times in chronological order on a timeline. Our topic for the term was “Time Travellers”, beginning with The Victorians and moving on to learning about volcanoes. We looked at artefacts from Victorian times and compared rich and poor Victorian children. We had a fantastic day out on the steam train, dressed as Victorian children and back in class wrote some amazing diary entries.
Autumn One – Science
Alongside our Creative Curriculum, we also learnt about plants. We labelled the main parts of a plant, undertook an investigation about what plants need to grow and the life cycle of a plant. We learnt that plants need nutrients from the soil, water, sunlight, warmth and air to survive.