Summer One 2022
Our Big Idea for Science was ‘The older we are, the taller we are. True or False?’. We looked at different types of animals such as carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. For our hook, we were excited to see our own chicken eggs in an incubator. This helped us to learn about the life cycle of a chicken. We created our own explanation texts about the life cycle of a chicken. It was amazing to see how the chickens changed over a short period of time!
Creative Curriculum
We went to Nell Bank in Ilkley on the coach. We had a fantastic time and took part in lots of different activities. We learnt about different animal senses, pond dipping, looking for mini beasts and we played in the adventure play area. It was great to be outside all day and take part in lots of practical activities about animal senses such as badger sniff.
To link with our topic ‘Once Upon a Time’, we had a visitor in school from ‘The Drama Hut’ to work with us.
As we are learning about fairy tales in our Literacy, we looked at ‘Cinderella’ and acted the story out using props. We played games, learnt about the structure of a fairy tale story and sang songs.
Autumn One 2021
Our Big Idea for Science is ‘What is the best material to make a ball?’ We looked at a variety of materials, such as wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock. We discussed what they were and sorted them into different groups. Next, we sorted the objects into the correct properties, e.g bumpy, soft, hard, stretchy etc. Finally, we completed a science investigation. The question we were investigation was – which ball will bounce the highest? We had to make sure it was a fair test so we dropped the ball from same height, with the same force and on the same surface. We found out that the golf ball bounced the highest because it was made from rubber!
Toy Story – The Hook
We had a toy lady come into school. We learnt about what sorts of toys children played with in the Victorian times. We discussed how different games and toys were played and looked carefully at what they made from. We noticed that all the toys were made from wood and metal. Non of the toys were made from plastic like they are now. We used our history skills to compare different toys from the past. We had great fun playing with the different toys and we also got to dress up as Victorian children!