Key Stage 1 Learning Gallery 2020 – 2021
Summer Term 1
Our stimulus this half term has been about the story ‘Laura’s Star’. We have written a number of pieces of fantastic writing such as setting descriptions, retelling the story and writing an alternative ending to the story. In these pieces of writing, we have been particularly focusing on the use of capital letters and full stops in our sentences, commas in lists and using different conjunctions. We have been working hard on using exciting vocabulary to make our writing super interesting.
Our focus in Maths this half term is Fractions, to find a half and a quarter of a shape or amount. We had a great amount of fun cutting up yummy food to find these fractions and then eating them! To help us find fractions of amounts, we used a halve/quarter mat and cubes to share them out equally.
Our Big Idea for Science is ‘Why is it important to have a balanced diet?’ We have been learning about why it is important to eat healthily. We have been learning about the food pyramid and the types of foods that fall into each group such as carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, sweets, dairy and meat and fish. We have completed our own food diaries and compared them to the food pyramid and talked about which foods are good for you and which foods are bad for you. Next, we learnt about why exercising and been active is important to stay healthy. We took part in a range of activities outside such as skipping, star jumps, running on the spot, hopping on the spot and a bouncing a ball. We thought about how we felt after exercising. What felt different to before? (warmer, heart beating more quickly). Finally, we discussed if we were elite athletes and exercised a lot every day, how would that affect what we need to eat to be healthy? Here are our ideas!
Creative curriculum
Our creative curriculum topic has been all about Pre-historic Predators. We really enjoyed learning about making dinosaur eyes out of clay. We learnt different techniques in the build up to making our dinosaur eyes. We had a ball of clay to warm in our hands. We flattened the clay with our palm to create a large pebble shape. Then pressed a marble into the centre of our eyes. Next, we moulded clay over edge of marble to create an eyelid that would hold the marble in place. We learnt to use the score and slip method with the clay. We smoothed round the edge of our eye with our finger so there were no gaps. Finally, we used acrylic paints to paint our eyes using two colours from the colour wheel. We gave our dinosaur eyes a coat of PVA glue to make them nice and shiny. Take a look at our fabulous work!
Autumn Term 1
We have been writing a variety of pieces based around the film Toy Story. In these pieces of writing, we have been particularly focusing on the use of capital letters and full stops in our sentences and making sure our sentences make sense. We have been brain storming exciting adjectives to use in our sentences when describing the characters and the settings in the film Toy Story.
We have been learning about number and place value. We have been learning about counting forwards and backwards in 1s. The children in Year 2 have been practicing counting forwards and backwards in 10s from any given two-digit number. We have been carrying out regular practice of the 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x times tables. We use times table rock stars to show off how good we are! In our maths learning, we have been using base 10, cubes, 100 squares, number lines and bead strings to develop our knowledge of one and two digit numbers.
Commando Joe
All the adults and children have completely embraced our Co-Jo RESPECT Code and are working really hard to use.
Self Awareness
We have been working really hard to solve our COJO missions and develop our communication and teamwork skills.
These are just a couple of photos from our Co-Jo sessions –
Our Big Idea for Science is ‘What is the best material to make a ball?’. We have been learning about Everyday Materials. We have been learning about the different materials used to make different objects such as wood, plastic, metal, stone, rubber and leather. We have described what they looked and felt like. We have sorted different objects into groups by looking at their properties. We have used all our knowledge from this topic to carry out an investigation into which type of ball would bounce the highest and why. We predicted what we thought might happen and wrote a conclusion to explain our results.
Creative Curriculum
Our creative curriculum Big Idea is ‘How have toys changed over time?!’ We have been learning all about Toys! We have been learning about the history of toys and what the first toys in history were like. We have looked at lots of pictures and videos of the first toys used and discussed how toys have changed. We have compared the similarities and differences between toys from the past and present. We have also placed different toys on a time line in chronological order to showing our understanding of the history of toys. Finally, we have used our art skills to create detailed sketches of different toys and we have created an Andy Warhol piece of art work.